Eyetech Group Ltd

    Amiga Product Notes      



UltraConv 4 Graphics/Animation
converter & effects CD-based package now available and in stock




This superb package is so much more
than just a graphics converter

As well as loading/converting/saving most image formats (ILBM, JPEG, BMP, PCX, PNG, TIFF, TARGA, Raw-RGB, Amiga icons, NewIcons, Amiga Datatypes - and loading images directly from ScanQuix & Vlab) it can build animations from images sequences (& vice versa); generate HTML image maps for web site use; perform image scaling, rotation and filtering; generate Amiga and NewIcons icons from image files; make/convert animated GIFS, Mpeg video streams, FLI, AVI, Anim5 & 7, Quicktime, XFA & Transferanims (the animations used in web browsers).

The included AnimPublisher program can integrate up to100 simultaneous animations on one screen, specifying position, scaling, transparency etc., for each one - perfect for the ultimate website extravaganza! It also has 72 animated and predefined image effects built in.

The program has extensive PowerPC & FPU routines (making some operations up to 20x faster than on an 060/50!) and extensive batch processing & AREXX support - making it easy to extend the programs functionality as required.




      Please contact the sales office to order